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The Student News Site of Northwood High School

The Northwood Howler

The Student News Site of Northwood High School

The Northwood Howler

The Student News Site of Northwood High School

The Northwood Howler

Annie Lee

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor

Annie Lee is a Northwood senior and the Viewpoint Editor. Her favorite color is blue, obviously. *looks down at her purple backpack, purple binder, purple water bottle, purple puffer jacket and purple scrunchie.

All content by Annie Lee
LEADERS OF THE PACK: Student Rep Ida Ahola (right) and Student Forum President Anthara Thirupathi (left) share their experiences about the various leadership roles they've had throughout highschool.

Various leadership positions on campus

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
March 24, 2023
MANY ERGRET-FUL TWEETMENTS: The contentious decisions made since Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter means it is time to leave.

Get off Twitter… NOW!

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
December 14, 2022
WHAT IS ART?: The image on the right was not drawn by a human, but rather produced by the artificial intelligence program DALL-E 2.

AI’s sketchy venture into art

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
October 31, 2022
CLAWS AND HEARTS: Due to the tiger mom stereotype, many misunderstand just how caring Asian parents can be, confusing authoritative parenting with authoritarian.

Breaking the Tiger Mother Stereotype

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
October 5, 2022
Role of bench players in sports

Role of bench players in sports

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
May 4, 2022
‘GREEN’ING WIDELY: Senior Carlene Nhu can’t believe her luck.

So you think you have any luck?

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
March 17, 2022
Valentine word search

Valentine word search

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
February 10, 2022
Once Upon a Time: Life lessons

Once Upon a Time: Life lessons

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
February 10, 2022
DIY healthy holiday treats

DIY healthy holiday treats

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
December 14, 2021

Northwood’s ho-listic ho-liday ho-pes

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
December 9, 2021
How likely are you to survive Squid Game?

How likely are you to survive Squid Game?

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
October 27, 2021
Honoring traditions

Honoring traditions

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
September 29, 2021

Types of students in NHS lunch line

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
September 29, 2021
Lemon trees around the path up the Citrus Ranch Park hill

Summer Break Go-To Locations

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
June 6, 2021
BRINGING HARMONY: Wind Symphony performs their piece “Courage” in windy weather, six feet apart.

Northwood Spring Music Showcase

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
April 27, 2021
THE BEAT ROLLS ON: The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has reopened and is currently offering virtual activities.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
March 22, 2021
Elizabeth Ann, the first successfully cloned ferret, at three weeks old.

Successful Cloning of Endangered Ferrets

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor
March 16, 2021
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