How often do 8-foot-long bananas appear in public?
Open until April 20, the City of Irvine Great Park Gallery’s “More Than You Can Chew” exhibition explores food’s cultural and personal significance...
Possessing a rare trifecta of passion, talent and admirable drive, sophomores Minji Choi and Victoria Park were among the 40 Orange County students recognized for their exceptional creativity by the National...
Valentine’s Day means witnessing every couple fall even more madly in love. But what if you’re suffering from a broken heart? Whether in real life or fiction, not everyone gets together, but that doesn’t...
Shredded plastic snow covering the brightly lit stage, a ginormous Christmas tree full of glistening ornaments and the Ghosts of Christmas Past fill the theater; these are the staples of sophomore Matthew...
In a whimsical flurry of picturesque backdrops, stunning vocals and witty renditions of classic Ozian characters, the “Wicked” film pays a flawless tribute to its original Broadway predecessor.
“Arcane: League of Legends” depicts the story of two sisters who, separated at a young age, reunite only to find themselves on opposing cities and sides, their misunderstandings turning them into bitter...
With IUSD’s first full week off for Thanksgiving happening this wekk, Northwood students might finally have the time for a creative adventure. Take a break from studying and visit these transformative...
Northwood Chamber Chorus performed with Young the Giant at the IPSF Spirit of Excellence Gala on Nov. 9.
Chamber choir sang as background singers while the band performed their hit song “Mind Over...
At every performance, Northwood's dance team exudes confidence, with masterful choreography directing each of their movements. They leap into each step without hesitation thanks to their trust in their...
What does scrumptious shark fin soup have to do with murder and blackmail? No clue? “Clue!”
It’s not everyday that extraordinary acting and innovative design combine to dish up an unforgettable...
When it comes to Northwood’s smooth-running theater productions on stage, not all heroes wear capes. In fact, some of Northwood theater’s most valiant heroes are the ones who make the capes—the dedicated...
In the only printmaking and screening elective offered at any IUSD school, Northwood students have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to design their own apparel and accessories. Making something tangible and...