Music credits: Intro – Piano by Rhode Trem, main track – Lucid by Rhodes Chords
Take it from us: Senior gives advice
Raelle Tiong, Sports Editor
May 23, 2024
About the Contributors

Raelle Tiong, Sports Editor
Raelle Tiong is a junior and the Sports Editor of The Northwood Howler whose diet consists of yogurt parfaits (strawberry) and vending machine cookies. In her free time, she likes to watch people move on Find My and take pictures of birds. She might ask you to join her Spotify jam.

Keyur Joshi, Photographer
As a staff photographer on the Northwood Howler, Keyur Joshi is legally allowed to stalk people for a photo. So if you see him hiding in a bush, don't be alarmed. In his free time, he loves catching up with the Warriors and his winning fantasy football league (obviously).