Leading the Pack: Northwood’s newest ASB officers

Sondos Elbershawi

SETTING UP FOR SUCCESS: Incoming ASB officers and juniors Snigdha Maddula and Yun Seo Lee help creatively decorate a mannequin for Northwood’s annual Fine Arts Week event, celebrating all types of art.

Annie Lee, Viewpoint Editor

The new ASB officers for the 2021-22 school year were selected during the Election Convention on March 22. 

Election Convention, held through a youtube livestream, took four hours along with six rounds of voting. Current ASB president Kara Chu asked each candidate questions ranging from their leadership style to what fresh ideas they planned to bring to ASB. After each round of questions, members of the student forum voted for the candidates who they felt responded with the best answer. The candidate that won the majority of the student forum votes earned one point. Some candidates already earned one point from winning the popular vote, held during Advisement, one week prior. The first candidate who reached two points won the position. For some of the elected officers, winning the position was a huge surprise.

“My YouTube livestream was lagging a bit so as I watched Yun Seo being announced as the senior president, I suddenly got pulled into the Zoom and was not prepared for the news at all,” junior Jasmine Chhabria said. “I think my hand was over my mouth for a solid two minutes. In all seriousness though, I was so happy when the news finally sunk in, and I’m just really excited to work with a great group of T-wolves next year through student forum!”

Already, many elected officials have clear visions of improving the school environment and creating engaging school events.

“One aspect of Northwood that made me fall in love with our school, and especially ASB, is hearing about how exciting the pep rallies are, and seeing how hyped the crowd gets,” freshman Kristie To said. “I am very excited to decorate the Sophomore Section at pep rallies and choreograph Sophomore Class Council’s pep rally dance. I genuinely want to bounce back from the pandemic and give the Class of 2024 the amazing high school experience that we deserve, with great vibes and tons of fun!”