The Arts in Action: Northwood’s Interdisciplinary Arts Council

Tyler Truong

“EARTH” WITHOUT “ART” IS JUST “EH”: Northwood’s Interdisciplinary Arts Council strives to bring an appreciation to the art communities and classes available on campus.

Shreya Aithal, Staff Writer

The Interdisciplinary Arts Council at Northwood has just been chosen for the 2022-23 school year on Oct. 5, marking the start of art-centric events during the school year.

In selecting representatives from the multitude of artists on campus, the fine arts commissioners focused on who had experience with the fine arts at Northwood and why they wanted to represent their disciplines. In addition, the commissioners expressed interest in getting to know the applicants and their unique voices.

IDAC, which is chosen at the beginning of each school year, aims to utilize artists’ past experiences and passion to publicize the art community at Northwood, introducing others to the art programs on campus by putting in showcases, viewing decorations and more.

Overseen by Northwood’s Arts Commissioners sophomore Zaira Ulmer and senior Saba Nabaeighahroudi, IDAC focuses on uniting the art community on campus and increasing student involvement in events through activities such as Arts Week during spring semester, as well as coordinating and planning all other arts performances and showcases throughout the year.

“We organize decorations for all of the celebrations we have on campus, like national days or school events,” Ulmer said. “We’ve also started the Arts Coalition which lets people volunteer with our activities, which is in the works right now.”

Covering 14 disciplines, IDAC includes members representing 2D Arts, 3D Arts, Art History, Computer Graphics, Dance, Drama, Instrumental Music, Music Theory, Video Production, Vocal Music and Yearbook.

“I applied to help out with the Northwood art community, meet new artists and see different perspectives on all types of art,” freshman Avani Arhin said.

Another main responsibility of IDAC members is “Night of the Arts.” This exhibition of art from elementary to high school students in Irvine is held to bring viewership to the talent at Northwood and inspire young artists to stick with the realm of fine arts.

More than anything, IDAC brings artists together to increase appreciation towards the arts within their communities. These supporting artists hope to set an example throughout the school year for all Northwood students.

“Fine arts is open to everyone,” junior Arya Wategaonkar said. “I want to inspire the next few grades of incoming Northwood students to appreciate the arts committee here and know that they can do it too.”