The Timberwolf Plan


Anjana Narasimhan, THO Graphics Editor

Believe it or not, at the beginning of high school I drafted “Northwood High School Plan.doc,” a detailed list on what I wanted to achieve and the person I wanted to become in high school.

This plan was built on idealistic expectations, believing that I could achieve every goal I set for myself. The ultimate goal was to get into a prestigious university. I was lost on this journey, forgetting to enjoy my high school experience, and I overlooked my strengths and talents.

Reflecting on the plan I created before, here are the lessons I learned, which I hope resonates with any high school student.

1. Know your strengths. Don’t be lost in the competition. I spent my time comparing myself to others in areas that were not my strengths. It took away from opportunities where I could have shined. I should have pursued arts and related clubs, which was my stronghold. I eventually did find my way to it with lessons learned.

2. Be kind to others. Kindness can make a difference in the lives of your teammates, friends, club board members and your teachers. Pause, listen and appreciate the people around you.

3. Persevere. Challenges are opportunities to learn and grow. Do not make decisions when you are angry or upset; give it time.
Moments of sadness and regret are temporary. Eventually, it will get better. Be prepared for failure, but do not be scared to try.

4. Do not take more than you can handle. Do not have the attitude of all or nothing. The toxic mentality to constantly perform well in school and juggle multiple extracurricular activities will ultimately be your downfall. Set limits on responsibilities you take up.

5. Recognize the people that truly care about you. For me, The Northwood Howler was a place where I could demonstrate my graphic design and art skill.

I worked with incredibly talented and hardworking individuals. At the end of high school, I found a place where I belonged and where I felt respected for my talent.

If we are truly a Timberwolf pack, we should encourage each other to succeed. We should not push each other down for the ultimate validation of college success. We should appreciate and respect one another unconditionally.