Valentine’s Day arts and crafts for your loved ones!

Dylan Yee, Staff Writer

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, it’s time for Cupid to shoot his arrows and play matchmaker. But whether you’re single or in a relationship, here are a few arts and crafts to celebrate the lovely occasion for your significant other, friends or family members.

1. Candy Garland

Take a variety of colored paper and cut them into hearts. Then, holepunch the cutouts at the upper left and right corners to insert a three or four foot string through them. After the garland is assembled, you can personalize it with inside jokes and by attaching candy behind each heart.

2. Puzzle

To make this simple gift, the first thing you need to do is to gather your supplies: a piece of cardboard, a picture of you and your loved one, scissors and glue. Afterwards, glue the picture onto the cardboard and cut it into a heart. Once you have the heart, cut it into puzzle pieces and finally show your partner how much they complete you.

3. Flower Card

This flower card is an easy and creative way to show off both your art skills and your love for your family members! All you need to do to create this gift is to cut a sheet of pink foam paper into slightly curved petals. With these petals, create a flower by gluing each end to the center and attach it to the card.