Green With Envy: Lit analysis tips to leave you seeing green


Isabella Torrales

GREEN IS NOT THE AMERICAN DREAM: The delectable sweetness of honeydew parfaits tremendously outshines the alleged symbolism of the green light.

Aishwarya Ramasubramanian, THO Editor

There comes a time of year when the color green means more than just envy. In March, students learn about the depths of “The Great Gatsby,” a timeless novel about the American Dream. The symbol of a green light is at the center of the 137-page book.

However, typical analysis of the green light is unoriginal. Using the concept of the American dream is overdone. Read on for some exemplary tips and tricks that are sure to pull you all Fours on your next English writing assignment.

Students always use the novel’s iconic ending to analyze “the green light [and] the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us.”

Apparently, this has some vague connection to the American dream and its unfortunate demise combined with the downsides to capitalism. However, that is unbelievably generic—everyone will be using that quote and idea, so be different: not like the other girls, so to speak.

It would be much better done if you analyzed Gatsby’s sports car and when “he felt the hot, green leather of the seat.” While the car seat may seem irrelevant, the green leather is actually the most important symbol of the novel, showing a distinct connection to the green tiles on the floor of Northwood bathrooms.

The green leather growing warmer and warmer is actually a nuanced metaphor for how the murky green bathroom floors progressively become more wet as the day goes on. Northwood bathrooms are a staple of student culture; thus, the wetness of the green floors alludes to the terrible day that follows by stepping foot onto the slimy castleton tiles. Similar events occur in “The Great Gatsby,” except in those circumstances, an affair is outed and two people die.

It would be proficient to analyze the green light itself- but certainly not in the context of the American dream. The shades of green that are associated with the green light are far more connected to the chartreuse hues of a honeydew fruit. Since honeydews are far more delectable than mango and strawberry, evidence within “The Great Gatsby” supports the necessity of honeydew parfaits in the cafeteria.

Honeydew parfaits pave the way for how Northwood student identity is defined, transitioning from subpar tastes of mango and strawberry to a superior, mouthwatering and delectable honeydew.

Hope for this change recedes before us year by year; therefore, making this statement will also act as a call to action for society. By making this key connection, you can demonstrate to your teacher that you can apply your symbolism skills to the real world at large with an authentic impact on actual people.

These are just a few examples of introducing original thoughts within your literary analysis. No matter how implausible the connections may seem, I assure that you’ll be absolutely orgastic when that glorious 4.0 pops up in your Aeries portal.

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