The Howler’s Survival Guide: tips and tricks to start the school year right

STUDY BUDDIES: Seniors Megan Lui and Allison Huang tackle physics practice problems together.
As students pull out dusty backpacks from their closet and struggle to get their sleep schedules back in order for the first day of school, it’s not uncommon to be a little nervous about what’s in store for the new school year. The four-year journey through high school can be tough and a little unpredictable at times, so here are some of The Howler’s favorite words of wisdom to make the transition a little bit easier.
Get involved! Northwood’s multitudes of clubs, electives and student government positions provide bountiful opportunities for students to find their own niche.The transition to high school might seem overwhelming at first, but it doesn’t hurt to dabble around a bit and find one or two areas of interest. Who knows? You might end up discovering an activity you love or finding lifelong friends and a place to call home for your four years at Northwood. Don’t be afraid to get out there a little: join the cast or crew of the theatre program’s productions, get excited at pep rallies or try your hand at public speaking in Model United Nations. All in all, freshman year is a time to explore all that Northwood has to offer.
Take advantage of all the resources around you. Your teachers are there to help you, so ask them any questions you have (even non-academic questions!). Make full use of tutorial time to get valuable help from your teachers or try group study sessions. Chances are questions that may arise while studying outside of the classroom can be answered by your peers or independent research on the internet. If you can’t focus at home, try going to the library or a nearby café for a change in scenery. Even outside of regular class time, Northwood offers a tutoring center after school where you can get help from your peers.
Know your limits. Junior year is notorious for having some of the most difficult classes and tight schedules, so you have to learn to balance your time and be realistic with how many rigorous classes you can handle at the cost of sleep. It’s important to still take care of yourself despite the stress, so stop and take a deep breath when necessary. If a class isn’t working out for you, don’t hesitate to drop it—you’ll thank yourself later. Keep in mind that obstacles are not the end of the world. Submitting a late assignment is better than not submitting it at all, and a little perseverance and dedication can go a long way.
It can be tempting to fall into the abyss of procrastination and senioritis, but the last year of high school is arguably the most important one. It can be helpful to take some time to sort out your priorities as time and energy are some of your most precious resources, and you want to make sure it’s going where it can benefit you the most. Set yourself some strict deadlines for what you want to accomplish and keep track of important dates because the last thing you want to do is end up missing the due date for financial aid or college applications. Keep up the hard work and finish strong!

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Rachel Kang is a Northwood senior and photographer for The Howler who hates...