Essential emoji makeovers for NHS students
Elena Higuchi and Saba Nabaeighahroudi
December 9, 2022

Fluoride stare:
Your English teacher is making symbolic connections between a paperclip and the meaning of life. After the first five minutes, you’ve started to dissociate and stare at your teacher with a fluoride stare (to create the illusion of paying attention). Send this as a quick update to your bestie while in your literary haze.
![[JUNK]RedesigningEmojisforNHSStudents2 (Saba Nabaeighahroudi)](
Pre-mental breakdown:
Have your group project members been ignoring your messages to finish their portion of the project? This is the perfect emoji to add along to your FOURTH reminder—at this point some passive aggression is needed! Pair with a nice ‘lol’ or classic laughing emoji to reduce hard feelings. Otherwise, just tattle on them.

Violently bawling:
You realized that you have tests every single day of the week, an English essay due, and a final project worth 200 points due on Wednesday. You’ll use this emoji in your courteous email to your teacher at 11:58 p.m. begging for an extension on the Canvas assignments due at 11:59.
DISCLAIMER: The Howler is not responsible for any missing assignments or points lost. This emoji is not intended to substitute actually completing your work on time. Proceed with extreme caution.

Timby emoji:
Have a crush on that kid who carries your group on all the math team tests? Or are you panicked that Winter Formal is in a few weeks and you need to post an aesthetic Instagram story with your date? The Timby emoji is extremely versatile and can be used to express affection towards both friends and family, or even our own school. Whenever you need to let someone know how you feel, this is the perfect emoji to show them your love and appreciation! Anyone would be happy to receive it. <3