Simply superior staff ‘stumes
WHO WORE IT BEST?: History teacher Sandy Banks’ (left) formidable pose gives him an edge in this claw-petition, but will it be enough to defeat Kitty Clooney’s (right) chic trio of glittery cat ears, paws and tail?
October 27, 2021
Halloween is an exciting time for small children around the world, and the excitement for the day of make-believe only grows with time. Although they won’t be trick-or-treating this year, our Northwood staff plans to dress up in costumes beyond the wildest imaginations of students.
Katie Cullen: Jellyfish
“I would love to make my own costume this year that looks like a jellyfish where I have a sombrero with the legs coming down from it. I have yet to implement this, however.”
Zane Pang: The Little Lad (Berries and Cream)
“It was really popular when I was growing up—the Starburst berries and cream ad. When I saw that it was trending on Youtube and TikTok, I was like ‘I remember this guy,’ and now I’m going to be him.”
Allison Singer: Snow White’s Dwarf
“The counseling department always does a group costume. This year, we have these caps and we all have a beard—Ms. Ostovarpour is going as Snow White and I’m not sure where she is on her costume; it may be a representation rather than an exact likeness to the character.”
Sandy Banks: Black Cat
“Cat ears are purrr-ty.”
Sara Katlen: Pumpkin Extravaganza
“It’s an orange dress with little black pumpkins, and then I have black tights with orange pumpkins. I have pumpkin earrings, so I guess I’ll just be pumpkin for Halloween. I’ll be joined by Kitty Clooney.”
Brandon Emery: David Rose (Schitt’s Creek)
“I ordered my costume yesterday. It’s from the episode of ‘Schitt’s Creek’ where he wears his lightning bolt sweater with the white sunglasses. I might have to dye my hair.”