Northwood students fear apocalyptic event after witnessing thunder and lightning for the first time

Anjana Narasimhan

Mihir Kulkarni, News Editor

Northwood students were sent into a frenzy after falsely believing the world was coming to an end during recent storms in early September and October. The confusion was attributed to students hearing lightning and thunder for the first time, a concept Californians have only heard about in myths and legends.

In response to the event, the governor declared a state of emergency, setting up temporary shelters where people can empathize about their shared near-apocalyptic experiences. Recognizing the level of stress that the event brought, the Federal Emergency Management Agency plans to get involved by providing informational pamphlets regarding different types of precipitation phenomena, preparing the area for future disasters like this. 

“We would have never predicted that lightning would be seen on a peaceful Southern California night,” Secretary of the Environment Suh Neeskys said. “Honestly, it was a real shock.”

The storms occurred following relatively calm days of weather and included bright flashes and loud episodes of lightning and thunder. Students were further caught off guard when drops of water began mysteriously falling from the sky, causing slippages and confusion for unsuspecting walkers.

“I was taking a walk outside, and suddenly I started to feel water pouring down on my head,” freshman Imcon Fused said. “I thought my neighbor’s sprinkler was malfunctioning again, but it looked like something far more sinister.”

The combination of precipitation, howling wind and roaring booms proved far too stressful for many Northwood students. Many began packing suitcases, confessing their deepest secrets and even writing their will out of fear that the world was ending.

In a poll conducted after the event, a large portion of the students indicated that they believed the loud sounds were coming from the graves of Mount St. Helens and Krakatoa. Others were convinced that the world was being invaded by outsiders and that the thunder was actually the sounds of laser beams destroying nearby cities.

“Once I heard the first bang, I knew we were under attack,” freshman Soa Fraid said. “It was inevitable that the aliens would eventually strike, and an unassuming day like the one we had would be the perfect time to pounce.”

With winter fast approaching, FEMA plans to install personal nuclear bunkers at every home in Southern California. The comfort provided by these shelters will help local residents take on winter with ease.