Behind the Scenes of Northwood’s ASB
DEFEND THE DEN: ASB members prepare before a football game.
September 27, 2021
From football games to school dances, there’s no place at Northwood where ASB isn’t involved. They’re always seen on the frontlines of the student body, hyping people up and cheering their hearts out. Yet, despite their hard work and school spirit, the specifics of what they do aren’t widely known. Here’s a little look at what it’s like to plan an event as an ASB member.
Surprisingly, ASB is all about proposals. Because of the collaborative and intensive nature of ASB, the members are trusted to develop their own plans appropriate for their respective positions and discuss them with the rest of the group.
“The hardest part about planning ASB events is definitely coming up with that initial kernel of an idea,” junior class president Rachel How said. “There are so many things I’m interested in that people may not know, and so many things that other people are interested in that I may not know. Balancing everything out is difficult because we can’t always see every perspective.”
Once the initial idea is created and written into a proposal, it’s presented to the other members of ASB for approval through vote. If it is approved, the ASB member can then execute the idea, and, if necessary, draft additional proposals for purchasing materials.
“It’s kind of hard to plan for big events since everything has to be within budget,” Boys Athletic Commissioner junior Aditya Hari said. “But once we get our proposals approved, we can buy materials and props from several different locations. Most of the time we end up just getting wood, cutting it out and painting it.”
However, this whole process, when planning for role-specific events such as Fine Arts Week or Sip’n’Study, is mostly done on an individual level or with a small group. When the event is significantly bigger, the entirety of ASB becomes involved in the planning.
“Events like school dances are a little different because the whole of ASB splits into committees with two to three heads that lead the committee of about five to 10 members,” How said. “Each committee is responsible for different parts of the event like decorations around the Oak or the homecoming court nominations.”
While only a few weeks into the school year, ASB is already planning up a countless number of events, not to mention one of the most important of them all in this coming fall season.
“As of right now, we’re planning for Homecoming,” Hari said. “We’re starting to make props and plan our themes, and you should definitely look forward to seeing what we have planned next for Northwood.”