Romeo and Juliet: a student-led show
BEHIND THE SCENES: Seniors Ethan Yin and Skylar Wilk rehearse afterschool as the show approaches.
March 7, 2020
Northwood’s Theatre Department is bringing Shakespeare to life with the production of Romeo and Juliet, set to hit the stage on March 19. This production has been in the works for months, directly following the run of Mamma Mia, but this particular play is a little different compared to those of the past.
Romeo and Juliet has been under the direction of senior Rachel McMullen, while theatre director. Danyelle Bossardét has been away on medical leave.
“It’s been a really stressful but also very rewarding, exciting and inspiring process,” McMullen said.
Though Bossardét isn’t at rehearsals in person, the cast has been hard at work to have her there in spirit and create a production she would be proud of.

BEHIND THE SCENES: Seniors Jeneen Elbershawi and Amala Neervannan rehearse afterschool as the show approaches.
“We’re trying our very best to stick to the processes that Ms. B usually follows because we know they work well and will get us where we need to be by the time show week rolls around,” McMullen said. “We’re in a really tight spot, but we’re staying optimistic because she’s always taught us to be.”
This production has been long-awaited by cast and crew alike working on the play, with Romeo and Juliet being one of the first pieces of literature read by many freshmen in the school, and the excitement is clear.
“It’s been really amazing working on a show that I read because I get to see a completely different side of the text,” senior Amala Neervanan said.
But portraying such a well-loved play hasn’t been entirely easy. The cast and crew have been working tirelessly to produce the show in a way that’s both true to original Shakespeare we know and love while also giving it the Northwood Theatre Department flare we are all used to.
“It was difficult changing the set design to fit the materials we had, so it was a lot of just being creative with what we had,” junior Bri Walsh said.
Though the play’s official date has been postponed until further notice, the cast and crew is still incredibly excited for the run. The Howler talked to the production team about what they are most excited about.
“We have done a lot of work on stage combat and our actors are having so much fun with the process,” McMullen said. “As someone who has been a witness to this production coming together, I would highly encourage every student and faculty member to come watch.”