Why can’t I take APs as a freshman?
Northwood prioritizes allowing freshmen to learn how to navigate stress and develop strong fundamental skills for Advanced Placement courses through Humanities and Integrated Science.
“We typically have students who are very successful in our AP classes because they’ve built up those foundational skills,” counselor Megan Ostovarpour said. “We want to expose you to many concepts and then build upon those each year. Students who take Integrated Science 1, 2 and 3 are also the students who typically have the highest grades in all AP sciences.”
This will not hurt college applications because colleges assess course rigor based on Northwood’s offerings, and students have the opportunity to earn an honors designation in their Humanities and Integrated Science courses by demonstrating improvement throughout each unit. A balanced freshman year schedule also enables students to explore different fields of interest through clubs or extracurriculars, which are equally important to colleges.
How does block scheduling work?
Northwood’s block schedule consists of alternating odd and even days. On odd days, students attend their first, third, fifth and seventh periods. On even days, students attend their second, fourth, sixth and eighth periods. Classes are 90 minutes long, with five minute passing periods, 10 minute breaks and slight adjustments for Advisement and Tutorial. There are occasional special schedules, which are announced and advertised ahead of time.
Since Northwood has periods zero, seven and eight, can I take three electives?
It depends on what you want to take. Freshmen are required to take six classes, consisting of English, history, math, science, physical education (unless enrolled in a sport or dance that semester) and an elective of their choice. Beyond that, students can take up to two additional open enrollment electives for a total of eight classes though not every elective is open enrollment. Marching Band, Jazz Band and Color Guard are the only zero period classes offered, but students must be enrolled in another music class to do Marching and Jazz Band.
Is taking a language mandatory?
No. Students only need two semesters worth of language, art or Career Technical Education credits to graduate. However, UCs and California State Universities require two years of language, with three recommended.
How does offseason for sports work?
There are three seasons of sports (fall, winter and spring) but only two semesters (fall and spring). During offseason, athletes train two to three days a week. During in-season, athletes will train five to six days per week. Some sports offer a semester-long off-season to in-season to finish out the semester long class.
What are the rules for e-bikes?
To receive an e-bike registration sticker, students must attend an e-Vehicle Safety Presentation by the Irvine Police Department and complete a guardian-signed registration form. All bikes must be parked at the bike racks. Violations may result in a warning, detention or bike removal. In accordance with law, please wear a helmet when you ride your e-bike (or any bike).
What are the differences between dual enrollment and APs?
Dual enrollment courses are offered through community colleges that give college credit; they do not appear on students’ Northwood transcript and generally cannot be used to satisfy high school graduation requirements. Instead, students will request a separate transcript through the community college if they apply for a four-year college.
AP courses are college-level courses taught at Northwood that can boost students’ high school GPA as they are weighted on a five point scale rather than a four point scale. These can be used to satisfy graduation requirements. Only students who pass the AP test will earn college credit.
If you opt to take a dual enrollment course, you are still limited to the eight course maximum allowed in your schedule.
How can I figure out what classes to take for my future job?
It’s great that you are already thinking about the future, but high school should be viewed more as a place to explore a lot of different opportunities, and there may be some out there that you haven’t thought of yet.
But if you are already fairly sure of a career path, you can look at Northwood’s Program of Studies to find relevant courses. Alternatively, you may consider dual enrollment courses or the Coastline Regional Occupation Program, which offers after-school classes focused on hands-on career technical education.
In your freshman year, you will get to play with some career matching tools provided by Northwood, you’ll also have a one-on-one conference with your counselor to plan classes and post-high school goals.
When should I start worrying about college?
“Worrying” is probably the wrong word. You don’t need to start “worrying” about college in your freshman year. “Think” about college and other post-secondary options like vocational training or military service early on. Use your freshman and sophomore years to explore opportunities that pique your interests and find activities that you actually love. Colleges can tell when you are resume padding with random extracurriculars; they care far more about your passions and your willingness to take risks.