Northwood dance students from all levels performed in a flash mob to “Another Day of Sun” from “La La Land” at the Oak during break on Tuesday alongside a handful of unexpected guest performers: teachers.
Although it was a typical contribution from the dance program to Northwood’s yearly Fine Arts Week, the dancers wanted to make this year’s rendition more memorable.
“We thought having teachers would attract students who otherwise wouldn’t have watched,” Dance Theater captain senior Sophia Yang said.
Two weeks prior to the performance, the dance captains collaborated with Fine Arts Commissioner sophomore Kelly Robles to encourage staff participation.
“ I felt like pushing myself out of my comfort zone,” history teacher Sandy Banks said. “Performing in the flash mob opened my eyes to how hard it actually is to memorize all the movements and coordinate it with the music.”
Despite having just two rehearsals, the teachers quickly learned the dynamic choreography from the dancers. Their surprise performance drew cheers and applause from an electrified crowd.
“When Ms. Tsai told me she was going to be in the flash mob, I got really excited,” junior Abby Kim said. “It was really entertaining to watch the teachers and students performing together.”
To watch the dancers showcase more of their talents, attend their spring show, “Timeless,” from May 1-3 and follow their Instagram @northwooddance for updates.