Northwood Tutor Center is now open every weekday except Wednesday from 7:30-8:25 a.m. in the Media Center’s Quiet Room.
The Tutor Center’s hours were shifted from seventh and eighth period to the morning to accommodate students with conflicting class schedules. Along with this change, English teacher Phil Roh was appointed as Tutor Center’s new supervisor, assisting counselor Bailey Phenicie, who oversees the program.
“It’s not a perfect system, but we are trying to make it more accessible to as many students as possible,” Roh said. “We were losing the student-athlete population and the students who work after school or do extracurriculars. It was an area of emphasis that we had to focus on.”
The Tutor Center also relocated from the Media Center to the Quiet Room within the Media Center, providing students their own personalized space free from disruptions. Starting around mid-October, the California Scholarship Federation Club will partner with the Peer Tutor Program to provide two tutors daily.
Although the hours have changed, Roh said that the Tutor Center remains committed to its mission of supporting students. Students that visited the Tutor Center last year expressed appreciation for the help they had received.
“When I was taking Enhanced Math II last year, I usually would go to the library during my free period, and ask the tutors for help,” sophomore Sophia Paredes said. “I had very great experiences with the tutors, and I’m grateful for them. It was pretty helpful.”
While Roh acknowledges that the system is not foolproof, he hopes the new schedule will allow more students that were previously overlooked to receive help and foster a sense of community at Northwood.
“It’s really rewarding to see the positive impact I can have on students’ academic career,” peer tutor junior Norah Wang said. “Knowing that I can help them work through their problems and relieve some of the stress from homework brings me a lot of joy.”
Students who need any assistance are welcome to drop by the Media Center’s Quiet Room during its open hours. For more information, contact Phenicie at [email protected] or Roh at [email protected].